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03. Studienvoraussetzungen
(1) Wir erkennen die Wichtigkeit eines akkreditierten BA entsprechend des Bologna-Prozesses an. B...
02. Ziel des Studiums, Zweck der Prüfung, Akademischer Grad
(1) Das Studium im Rahmen des Masterstudiengangs soll den Studierenden unter Berücksichtigung der...
Library Services
Students registered at ETS have open access to a collection of over 20,000 theological textbooks,...
The campus of the European Theological Seminary (ETS) is located in the town of Kniebis, Germany ...
The institution has identified the individuals responsible for providing oversight for various as...
Policies and Procedures
Recruitment and Promotional Materials ETS is responsible for the recruitment of students for the...
Academic Life
2.1. Academic Programs All required courses must be successfully completed, and a cumulative G.P...
MA in Marriage and Family Studies
Core courses (required 30 credits or 50 ECTS) MAFT 511 Introduction to Marriage and Family Stu...
Structure of the Internal Quality Assurance
The European Theological Seminary provides study programs at undergraduate leveland, in cooperati...
Payment of Accounts
Currency All fees at the seminary are charged in euros. Since currency exchange rates fluctuate,...
ETS Quality Assurance Code of Practice
Entsprechung von Noten
Skala - % Punkte Note Dezimalwert Durch-schnitt Deutsche Note ...
Grade Equivalence
Scale - % Points Grade Decimal Value GPA German Grade 100 - 94...
Praktika machen einen wichtigen Teil der gesamten Ausbildungserfahrung am ETS aus. Als grundlegen...
THEO 581 - Political Theology
Dozent Dr. L. Stephenson Semester Herbst Dauer 8 Wochen Frequenz Alle drei J...
The program of Lee University consists of modules, which comprise besides lectures also elements ...
Blended Learning
The contact time is complemented through E-Learning. Moodle is used as Learning Content Managemen...
Blended Learning
Die Kontaktzeit wird durch E-Learning ergänzt. Moodle wird als Learning Content Management System...
Das Programm der Lee University besteht aus Modulen, die neben Vorlesungen auch Elemente von Semi...
12. Bewertung von Prüfungen
(1) Die Noten für die einzelnen Prüfungsleistungen werden von den jeweiligen Prüfer/innen festges...