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Die Kontaktzeit jedes Moduls ist in verschiedene Unterrichtseinheiten aufgeteilt, die aus Vorlesu...
Work Experience
ECTS CREDITS EARNED THROUGH WORK EXPERIENCE The applicant must demonstrate one year of professio...
Academic Year
The academic year at ETS is not divided into classical semesters, but six modules are planned per...
MA in Pentecostal-Charismatic Theology
Core (9 credits or 15 ECTS) BIBL 550: Biblical Criticism/Hermeneutics (3 credits or 5 ECTS) T...
MA in Marriage and Family Studies
Learning Outcomes Demonstrate the ability to supervise various programs in family counseling c...
Student Support Services
The master’s programs at ETS are offered in an intensive format. Due to the intensive nature of t...
The following programs are offered by Lee University at the ETS campus. These programs were appro...
The European Theological Seminary (ETS) is a co-educational institution of academic and practical...
School Life
Appearance Students are expected to dress in a manner that is clean, neat, and modest, whether i...
Changes to the Handbook
The school administration retains the right to change the regulations of the school which include...
Attendance Policy
Duty of Attendance and Class Participation Each student is expected to attend regularly and punc...
MA in Pentecostal-Charismatic Theology
Learning Outcomes Analyze biblical and theological writings at a level commensurate with other...
Evidence of Authorization
Lee University is authorized to operate in Germany as a Hochschule. The German government provide...
Institutional Responsibilities
After an evaluation of the previously signed memorandum of understanding dated July 31, 2014, the...
Letter code
Letter codes that refer to the field of study. MAFT = Marriage and Family TherapyCOUN = Counseli...
According to the North American study model, each module has more than one form of evaluation (e....
Revision Cycle
This module handbook is revised or extended every two to three years, as the need arises.
The contact time of each module is separated into different teaching units which consist of lectu...
Format & Duration
Each contact time phase is offered as an intensive week, Monday through Friday of the week with p...
27. Entry into Force and Amendments
(1) These examination regulations come into force on 01.09.2018. (2) Amendments that concern onl...