03. Study Requirements
(1) We recognize the importance of an accredited BA according to the Bologna Process. Applicants for the MA programs at ETS must prove that their B.A. degree or its equivalent at EQF level 6 fully complies with §58 of the Landeshochschulgesez Baden-Württemberg.
(2) For students in masterthe MA programs of theat ETS, the regulations according to §59 of the LHG Baden-Württemberg of January 1, 2005 apply:
§ 59
Access to non-undergraduate programs and to contact studies
(I) Admission to a Master's degree programme shall require a university degree or an equivalent qualification. The institutions of higher education may lay down further requirements by statute. § Section 58(8) shall apply mutatis mutandis. The institutions of higher education shall recognise foreign qualifications in accordance with the provisions of section 35.
(II) The admission requirements for Master's study courses providing further education and other study courses providing further education in accordance with section 31(3) are a first higher education degree or equivalent qualification and qualified practical work experience of generally at least one year; in all other respects, subsection 1 shall apply mutatis mutandis. The requirement of practical professional experience shall not apply at art colleges to such studies which serve to deepen free-artistic skills.
(III) Anyone who has completed a university degree or has acquired the required aptitude in a profession or in some other way may participate in contact studies. The admission requirements shall be regulated in detail by the institutions of higher education; in the case of contact studies organised under public law, this shall be done by statute.
Corresponding certificates must be submitted with the application as a copy or scan.
(2) InAdditional additioncriteria of admission requirements to thisthe thetwo MA programs at ETS:
The MA program offered at ETS in
M.A.Pentecostal-CharismaticP-C theologyTheology requires a previous B.A. degree or an equivalent degree at EQF level 6 preferably in Theology with at least 180creditscredit points (180 ECTS)andas well as atotalfurthergradeinternshippointoraverageprofessional practical experience of at least2.75 (3.0 German scale) or better, plus at least aone yearof(30practical professional work experienceECTS) in thesubjectfieldarea.of study.M.A.MarriageMFSand Family Counseling requires a previousBachelorB.A. degree or an equivalent degree at EQF level 6 preferably in Social Pedagogy, Counseling or Psychology with at least 180creditscredit points (180 ECTS),andas well as atotalcontinuinggrade point average of 2.75 (3.0 German scale)internship orbetter,professionalpluspractical experience of at leastaone yearof(39practical professional work experienceECTS) in thesubjectfieldarea.of study.
(3) For a total grade less than 2.75 (3.0 German), a Propaedeutical Study is required, whereby the student can participate in two modules in the area of study and continue the program if the average grade is 2.75 (3.0) or better.
(4) If the student hasholds a bachelor'sB.A. degree or equivalent at EQF level 6 in a field other than
AdmissionthetoMA.thisP-C theology: theology, accessprogram ispossible,possibleaccordingaftertocompleting aPropaedeuticumpropaedeutic of fourundergraduatemodulestheologyatmodules,B.A.whichormayEQFincludeLevelbiblical languages,6 and the year of internship/one year of professional experience in a church congregation or Christian ministry.
The four modules of the propaedeutic include: Basic OT Hebrew, Basic NT Greek, Systematic Theology; Church History. It is recommended that these four modules be taken during the year of the internship/one-year professional experience.- Social Pedagogy, Counseling or Psychology:
Admission to this program is possible if the applicant holds a B.A. degree or equivalent at EQF level 6 and has completed at least one year's internship/one year's work experience inthean appropriate social or churchor Christian ministry. For the MA. MFS: social work, psychology, or counseling access is possible, provided that the year of the internship/professionalworkin social work or Christian ministry has been fulfilled.